First time travelling with MSC and will most likely be the last unless there are changes.
Let's start with the positives, the ship looks great, it's very clean and the majority of the staff are lovely even when they have to deal with a lot of rude customers! The paid 2 circus shows on board are worth the money but why do we have to pay for this? BBC1/BBC2/ITV on the cabin TV was a nice surprise for a long trip.
Now the negatives.
We were in an accessible cabin. The decor is lovely and a good-sized TV. Beds move making transferring from a wheelchair dangerous, they are also very high. Start low and have option bed raisers. The wet room floor is perfect. The shower chair is dangerous, out of date and needs replacing. These were used in hotels in the '90s. Try using the smallest seat imaginable in stormy seas. It would help if you had a wider chair with armrests. The toilet has no drop-down armrest. Sink mirrors are just odd as they are in a corner, making shaving very hard! Get an electric door for the cabin as P&O do. I don't want to ask someone to get out of my cabin!