More about Montserrat
Why Cruise to Montserrat?
Montserrat features black-sand beaches and a town that was buried in ash after a volcanic eruption
For safety reasons, the island has an exclusion zone to keep people away from the volcano
Though not many cruise lines stop here, it's a unique and interesting destination
Currency & Best Way to Get Money?
Montserrat's currency is the East Caribbean dollar. Be aware that few Montserratian businesses take credit cards. You can find two banks -- Bank of Montserrat and Royal Bank of Canada -- and their associated ATMs in the new capital of Brades, a 10-minute drive from the port of Little Bay. For current currency conversion figures, visit or
English is the official language of Montserrat, but as you travel across the island you may also hear Spanish and Haitian Creole spoken by immigrants from Dominica, Guyana, the Dominican Republic and Haiti who moved to the island to help it rebuild after the volcanic activity settled down in 2010.