Circle C on Carnival Breeze (Photo: Cruise Critic)
Chill. Connect. Cool. That's what Carnival says the "C" in Circle C represents. For the cruise line's tweens, Circle C is their private lounge, where they can hang out, have fun and make friends.
Circle C on Carnival is the hangout and activities program for 12- to 14-year-olds. Too old for Camp Ocean and too young for the less structured chill time in the Club O2 teen lounge, kids this age benefit from youth staff attention, scheduled activities and an exclusive club that doesn't feel babyish.
Every Circle C room is a bit different, but they all share round banquettes in the shape of a C and comfy seating, flat-screen TVs and video consoles, and a big empty space for dancing or games. The clubs are done up in the primary colors of the Circle C logo, and kids can check themselves in and out at will.
Activities take place in the afternoons and evenings and might include board games, sports competitions, water slide races, themed dance parties, scavenger hunts, karaoke and video game play.
Use of Circle C is included in your Carnival cruise fare.
Carnival's Circle C is available fleetwide.